New Podcast - In Search of Energy Storage
We are pleased to introduce this podcast on Energy Storage after countless interactions with you our customers. We look at energy stoge in a long arc of human history. Yes, we engineer great Li Ion power backup products in India, but we never forget the broader history, geography, economics and politics of energy storage.
In this podcast we will start from the use of energy storage by animals and early humans but will delve in many modern aspects of energy storage.
We welcome you to comment and engage on what other topics you want to hear about and discuss.
Season 1
Episode 1 - In Search of Energy Storage Debut - ऊर्जा संचयन एक खोज
Episode 2 - In Search of Energy Storage (The Premise)
Episode 3 - Energy storage in the animal kingdom (पशु जगत में ऊर्जा संग्रहण)
Episode 4 - Mac Mini M4 Uninterrupted Power Supply
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